How to add Arduino library to Proteus 8

1st step: Download the library

Download it from the folowing link:

The library file

2nd step: Unzip the file

Unzip file

3rd step Copy the content of the file

copy the contents

4th step past it in libraries:

Locate libraries

Now w have two cases:

first case

Case 1 you have the Library folder in Programmes(x86) ==>Labcenter Electonics==>Proteus 8 professional==>Library

If you dont then you will surely have it in

Case 2 you have the library folder in ProgramDATA ==>Labcenter Electonics==>Proteus 8 professional==>Library

labcenter electronics
labcenter electronics
library folder location

5th final step:

You past the files you coppied in the library folder

Paste here

And finally to add an arduino board you simply :


and search for arduino:

arduino board
